
Human Resources

Modernize your HR systems, streamline complex administrative processes, and eliminate tedious tasks so your team can focus on more valuable work.
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The SimplyAsk Advantage

Modernize your HR systems, streamline complex administrative processes, and eliminate tedious tasks so your team can focus on more valuable work.
Onboarding / Foundations
Save time and money during the recruitment process with workflow automation and OCR technologies to parse and process job applications, leaving your HR personnel more time to make the right hiring decisions. Utilize SimplyAsk Converse and Flow for onboarding document management to help new hires access the documents they need with less friction.
Growth / Empowerment
Automate your sick-leave, payroll, external contractor invoices, and other processes end-to-end with OCR machine learning technology. Process sick-leave requests and doctor’s certificates to eliminate human errors, improve efficiency and enhance data communication between departments. Automate file management by indexing through keywords recognized through OCR to remove tedious tasks from daily activities.
Offboarding / Exiting
Manage offboarding checklists automatically with Converse agents and document processing pipelines. Answer frequent offboarding questions with automated phone and chat agents while redirecting more complicated issues to the right personnel automatically.

Human Resources

Human Resources tasks are often categorized into three main pillars: 

  • Onboarding / Foundations
  • Growth / Empowerment
  • Offboarding / Exiting

Each of these pillars deals with inefficiencies and challenges that can be optimized using SimplyAsk solutions – such as Symphona and customized software solutions – to save time, money, and mental bandwidth. 

In HR, employees have to contend with the following challenges in each of the three pillars: 

Challenges in Onboarding and Foundations

An average corporate job posting receives 250 applications. With this many resumes and cover letters to process, researchers have found that recruiters skim through a resume for an average of 7.4 seconds per application. HR recruiters have to carefully balance speed and detail in order to go through thousands of applications without missing out on great candidates. This is not an easy thing to achieve through manual methods.

On average, medium to large-sized companies face a 25% to 45% attrition rate of new staff within the first 45 days of employment. This loss of staff often causes an internal strain in the onboarding pipeline. Companies rapidly scaling may also face challenges with managing the additional resources required for large-scale hiring and onboarding.

Challenges in Growth and Empowerment

A common time-consuming task for corporate HR divisions is processing employee sick leave requests. On average, an employee will take 6.2 days of sick leave in a year and each request will take on average up to 7 minutes to manually process. Depending on the size of the company, this can equate to hundreds of sick leave requests every week, leading to hours of tedious rule-based work for your HR staff. As the organization grows and the company headcount increases, this resource strain only increases over time.

A major issue of repetitive, rule-based tasks is human error. These types of tasks are common in HR workflows when staff deals with payroll, contractor policies and invoices, document control, training and development, and much more. For large companies, human error in these tasks can cause major fallouts depending on the manual task. The risk of errors occurring is amplified when teams are striving for maximum efficiency and speed in a scaling organization with growing personnel.

Challenges in Offboarding and Exiting

Offboarding is a critical aspect of HR as past employees become ambassadors for your company, and may even consider returning in the future as “boomerang employees.” In fact, on average, 15% of employees return to work for a former employer, and 40% would consider boomeranging back to a former employer. Since past employees already fit your culture and can onboard faster, they are a very attractive personnel choice. With this said, achieving a high employee return rate is highly tied to a positive offboarding experience.

Offering a positive offboarding experience relies heavily on employee-focused messaging such as showing appreciation and acknowledgement for their time and effort as an employee. However, this can be tough for HR as they have their hands full having to recover company assets, revoke systems access, update organizational charts, and handle the payroll for the departing member.


How SimplyAsk Helps Human Resources

SimplyAsk provides solutions across all three phases of our services methodology to improve HR Document Processing and Management across the three pillars of HR, optimizing for time and money. 

Strategic Planning and Architecture Design

SimplyAsk can help plan out your infrastructure and architecture goals so that your HR processing needs function on a stable foundation. Our team will help clarify your goals, plan resource allocation, and account for potential risks.  

SimplyAsk develops infrastructures with scalability and flexibility in mind, ensuring our solutions can adapt to your evolving business needs and accommodate growth. We select technologies that enable seamless expansion without sacrificing performance or reliability. 

SimplyAsk can help execute a complete overhaul of your onboarding, growth, and onboarding systems, or provide a phased approach based on your financial and operational capacity and needs. If you’re using Symphona for operations optimization, your organization can take advantage of its modularity and focus on using one product, slowly phasing in others over time. 

Application and Data Migration

If your organization is still using old clunky legacy HR systems for document processing,  SimplyAsk can help modernize your digital system and data architecture, improving your workflows. Our migration projects typically follow a phased approach, where we perform a comprehensive assessment of existing systems to create a detailed migration roadmap for your organization, including activities, milestones, and resource allocation.

By using our Symphona Migrate tool and our AI-powered conversion tools,  SimplyAsk can dramatically expedite the data migration and transformation processes while managing fallouts and ensuring data integrity and compatibility. 

Process Optimization and Automation

Onboarding and Foundations

Recruitment and onboarding processes are good candidates for automation using our Symphona suite of products, including Flow, Converse, and Resolve.

Organizations can use Flow’s OCR technology to go through large batches of resumes, organize them, and index them in seconds. By further leveraging Symphona’s machine learning and NLP features, organizations can accurately identify contextual information in the resumes based on keywords. 

Doing this frees up time and effort for HR teams to evaluate candidates and make final decisions.

For new hires that require support and resources, organizations can train a Converse agent to automatically send a set of onboarding documents (based an employee’s profile) to new employees and process their response for quick review by the HR team. Agents can also be configured to provide answers to common onboarding questions and, for more complicated inquiries, provide contact information to the person best suited to help. 

Growth and Empowerment

Sick-leave request processing can become cumbersome if employees need to provide doctor’s certificates. However, Symphona can simplify this process to a simple approval review by HR.

Flow can process the documents with OCR to parse and extract the contents. Using its ML and AI features, Flow can scan the documents for information such as name, address, DOB, illness, start date/end date and more. 

Flow can then give a confidence rating to each processed document, flagging ones with low ratings for manual review. HR staff members can review and correct any mistakes or inaccuracies in the documents. Once a document is reviewed and approved, absence forms are filled out automatically on the employee’s profile.

Organizations can use this solution for other HR document processing tasks, saving time and money during processing and review. 

Offboarding and Exiting

The offboarding and exiting process usually involves many administrative tasks and meetings to ensure a positive departure. Symphona can help optimize several administrative offboarding tasks, including:

  • Asset handover forms
  • Revoking system access
  • Organizational chart updates
  • Payroll

For example, Flow can revoke system access to employees. Different access settings for employees can be set based on their role and they can be terminated immediately upon departure. Organizational charts can be linked to employee profiles and automatically updated upon departure. Payroll handling, similar to payroll automation, can also be automated using Flow.

Other Operational and Administrative Processes

To consolidate HR documents and policies, HR teams can train a Converse generative AI agent on its knowledge base and use it as a search engine for their documents and information. The speed of information recall of Converse chatbots can help HR teams save time in obtaining information on policies and laws. These time savings can culminate in over hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings each year. 

Overall, for every aspect of your organization’s HR systems and processes, SimplyAsk solutions can help modernize and optimize them so that your HR staff can work to the fullest of their ability while reducing costs. Contact our sales team today and get a free consultation on how your organization can use SimplyAsk solutions. 


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