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Symphona Converse FAQ

Can I create multiple agents in Converse?
You can create an unlimited amount of agents in Converse.
Do I need to pay a subscription to use Converse?
For Symphona Explore, you are only billed for what you use as we follow a "usage-based" model - as such, there is no baseline subscription fee to use Converse.
What makes Converse chatbots different from other chatbots?
Converse has two types of chatbot: structured chatbots and generative chatbots. Structured chatbots are your typical chatbot: they strictly follow steps designed by you. Generative chatbots are more unique: they use LLMs and generative AI, which allows you to train an agent on a knowledge base (e.g. your brand's purchase and refund policy) and have it intelligently respond to user questions. Most other chatbots can't do this.
How does Symphona Explore plan billing work?
SimplyAsk Explore plans are billed on a monthly basis (prices are in USD), charging customers for their usage over the previous month. Usages are calculated using a tiered pricing model, providing automatic discounts for large volume customers.
Does Symphona provide enterprise support?
Yes, the Symphona Enterprise provides extended support options suited for enterprise organizations, including dedicated Account Managers, extended support hours, and custom SLAs.
Does Symphona support multiple users?
Yes! You can have up to 25 users on our Explore plan and an unlimited number of users on our Enterprise plan.

Symphona Serve FAQ

Do I need to pay a subscription to use Serve?
For Symphona Explore, you are only billed for what you use as we follow a "usage-based" model - as such, there is no baseline subscription fee to use Serve.
How does Symphona Explore plan billing work?
SimplyAsk Explore plans are billed on a monthly basis (prices are in USD), charging customers for their usage over the previous month. Usages are calculated using a tiered pricing model, providing automatic discounts for large volume customers.
Does Symphona provide enterprise support?
Yes, the Symphona Enterprise provides extended support options suited for enterprise organizations, including dedicated Account Managers, extended support hours, and custom SLAs.
Does Symphona support multiple users?
Yes! You can have up to 25 users on our Explore plan and an unlimited number of users on our Enterprise plan.

Symphona Flow FAQ

How many processes can I create in Flow?
You can create an unlimited number of processes in Flow.
Can Flow integrate with my software tools?
Flow can integrate with any third party software that has an API. We have many tutorials that cover how to integrate Flow with many popular tools.
How does Symphona Explore plan billing work?
SimplyAsk Explore plans are billed on a monthly basis (prices are in USD), charging customers for their usage over the previous month. Usages are calculated using a tiered pricing model, providing automatic discounts for large volume customers.
Do I need to pay a subscription to use Flow?
For Symphona Explore, you are only billed for what you use as we follow a "usage-based" model - as such, there is no baseline subscription fee to use Converse.
Does Symphona provide enterprise support?
Yes, the Symphona Enterprise provides extended support options suited for enterprise organizations, including dedicated Account Managers, extended support hours, and custom SLAs.
Does Symphona support multiple users?
Yes! You can have up to 25 users on our Explore plan and an unlimited number of users on our Enterprise plan.
Do I need to know how to code to use Flow?
No, you don't need any technical experience to begin automating using Flow.

Symphona Resolve FAQ

Do I need to pay a subscription to use Resolve?
For Symphona Explore, you are only billed for what you use as we follow a "usage-based" model - as such, there is no baseline subscription fee to use Resolve.
How does Symphona Explore plan billing work?
SimplyAsk Explore plans are billed on a monthly basis (prices are in USD), charging customers for their usage over the previous month. Usages are calculated using a tiered pricing model, providing automatic discounts for large volume customers.
Does Symphona provide enterprise support?
Yes, the Symphona Enterprise provides extended support options suited for enterprise organizations, including dedicated Account Managers, extended support hours, and custom SLAs.
Does Symphona support multiple users?
Yes! You can have up to 25 users on our Explore plan and an unlimited number of users on our Enterprise plan.
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