
Email Triage

Leverage Symphona’s generative AI technology to automate email capture, categorization, and service ticketing. Give AP teams more capacity to focus on high-priority payable items.
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The Symphona Advantage

Leverage Symphona’s generative AI technology to automate email capture, categorization, and service ticketing. Give AP teams more capacity to focus on high-priority payable items.
Automate Email Categorization
Our generative AI technology can look through the contents of each email and automatically sort them into categories designed by your staff.
Automate Email Triage
Email placed into high priority categories will trigger Serve to create and assign a service ticket to appropriate personnel. Low-priority emails will trigger Flow to generate and send an intelligent auto-reply.
Monitor and Manage Ticket Processing
Serve’s dashboards and operational metrics allow admin staff to easily track and manage follow-up tasks and prioritization, expediting ticket resolution and providing more opportunities for optimization.

Email Triage

Organizations receive thousands of emails per month. One by one, emails are manually sorted, triaged, and managed by account owners and admin staff. Manual email triage wastes time, money, and effort due to the following challenges: 

  • It becomes easy to accidentally miss emails with important action items. 
  • Admin staff are forced to deal with repetitive and irrelevant emails that don’t need their attention. 
  • Duplicate tasks and a lack of feedback become the norm without a proper task management system and operational metrics.

Symphona can help automate email triage, capturing every single email, accurately prioritizing action items, and setting up service tickets for high-priority requests. 


How Symphona Helps

Leverage Symphona’s generative AI technology to automate email capture, categorization, and service ticketing so that your team has more capacity to focus on high-priority items. Symphona tools are no-code, allowing for people of any technical skill to use them. Furthermore, with Symphona operating on a usage-based system, your organization only pays based on how many automations you use.

Organizations can orchestrate the entire email triage process using Flow’s advanced workflow automation capabilities. Flow can navigate the contents of every email in an inbox, determine whether it can or cannot reply based on RPA flags, use generative AI to send intelligent auto-replies for simple queries, and connect with Serve to create service tickets for more complex action items. Flow can integrate with existing internal and third-party systems via API, providing your team flexibility with how you use it alongside your current technical stack.

For any errors in workflow automation, Resolve can manage and automatically triage any business exceptions (fallouts). Errors in manual and automatic business processes are inevitable, from simple issues like unavailable downstream APIs to more advanced ones related to failed validation checks. Resolve integrates tightly with Flow to reduce exception resolution effort and help your organization focus more on your core mission.

For managing service tickets with ease, Serve allows for automatic task management and follow up tasks with minimal configuration. By integrating it with Flow, teams can use the smart assignment tool, ensuring that staff are automatically assigned tasks based on their urgency and complexity. By automating this process, teams can focus their time on high-priority action items.   

Alongside Flow, Resolve, and Serve, SimplyAsk offers many other powerful features in the platform, including automatic email report generation and advanced dashboards for KPI tracking.


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Improve your Email Triage with Symphona Today!