
Software Test Automation

Automate software testing and QA processes with test automation technology for your software IT projects by harnessing our no-code test automation solution.
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The Symphona Advantage

Automate software testing and QA processes with test automation technology for your software IT projects by harnessing our no-code test automation solution.
Automate All Areas of Software Testing
Develop automated test cases for all areas of software testing, from end-to-end (E2E) to sanity to UI and beyond. Combine test cases into test suites for easy execution via CI/CD pipelines.
Develop Automated Tests With No-Code Tools
Test common enterprise software systems (CRMs, WFMs, etc.) with ease using provided libraries to generate test cases based on requirements. Harness a no-code testing framework to develop custom test steps to meet unique requirements and cover any software system.
Integrate Popular Platforms Swiftly With Pre-Built Libraries
Use Test’s pre-built libraries to quickly develop test cases for software platforms such as Salesforce, Netcracker, SimpyAsk, and more.

Software Test Automation

For repetitive, consistent, and quantitative tests, automated software testing rules over manual software testing. That’s because automation increases test reliability while decreasing risk and resource allocation due to instantaneous test execution, among many other benefits. 

Symphona’s tools include Test, which can help organizations of any size begin implementing automated testing and reap its benefits.

Issues with manual software testing include:

Risk of Unreliable Test Execution

Manual human testers are subject to human error. They get tired, unfocused, or overwhelmed, leading to a degree of unreliability with manual test execution. 

Furthermore, each tester may have their own execution habits and practices, opening the opportunity for different results with the same test case between testers. 

Elevated Resource Costs

When starting a software project, manual test cases are limited. However, as projects mature and become more complex, manual testing often becomes a significant effort as the scope of testing increases. 

If a team has limited manual testing resources, this continuously growing strain can become unsustainable unless an organization introduces additional resources (and associated costs) to expand testing capabilities. 

Resource Overhead For Growing Projects

Depending on your software project's scope and manual testing process, software testers may need specialized technical skills to perform the required test cases. Finding and selecting the right testing staff can often be resource-intensive and time-consuming, and there is always a risk with onboarding new staff with tight delivery deadlines.

Risk of Missing Deadlines

Manual software testers often face significant pressure to meet deadlines as they are responsible for certifying software releases before live production use. Software testing is usually the reason for release delays due to its time-consuming nature. 

In fact, according to ProjectSmart UK, 90% of IT projects delivered late are due to manual testing that is behind schedule due to various factors.


How Symphona Helps

For tests that are repeatable, quantitative, and offer consistent results, test automation is a fantastic way to save your organization time, money, and resources. Automated software testing thrives in repetitive, rule-based tests, greatly helping teams release software sooner while reducing overhead from manual testing. 

Automated software test execution often follows this general five-step process:

  1. Set up the test environment and tools
  2. Execute test suite (containing one or more test cases)
  3. Clean up the test data and environment
  4. Collect results from test suite execution
  5. Compile results into reports

Symphona Test can enhance this software testing process, enabling teams to perform test suites quickly, validate multiple environments concurrently, and integrate with CI/CD pipelines.

All Symphona tools (including Test) are no-code, allowing for people of any technical skill to use them. Furthermore, with Symphona operating on a usage-based system, your organization only pays based on how many tests you run.

Symphona for Software Test Automation

Symphona Test enables teams to create, monitor, and manage test cases across multiple platforms and environments. Using Test, developers can implement nearly any test case type, including functional, load, stress, sanity, smoke, end-to-end, UI, and more.

Test offers the following features and benefits: 

No-Code Editor and Pre-Built Test Steps

Test includes pre-built test steps to expedite the implementation of new test cases for popular platforms such as Salesforce, NetCracker, and SimplyAsk. 

Using the visual no-code test case editor, your organization can develop test cases from scratch, allowing non-technical staff to implement and understand test scenarios. SimplyAsk Test also features dashboards and reporting to enable non-technical stakeholders and teams to collaborate with test implementation teams. These dashboards provide visibility into the testing process, allowing teams to monitor progress, view execution results, and flag any identified issues. 

Centralize Test Cases

Test allows your firm to centralize and import existing test cases from other test automation frameworks such as Cucumber and JMeter. 

Centralizing automated tests enables teams to bring new life to existing test cases by accessing all features of SimplyAsk Test, like editing execution logic in the no-code editor and tracking results with the built-in dashboards and reports.

Continuous Integration

Test offers teams flexible execution methods, like manually triggering within the platform UI or through CI/CD pipelines via an API request. By combining test cases into test suites, teams can execute collections of test cases at once based on project requirements.

Test Monitoring

Test provides dashboards and reporting, covering the entire test automation lifecycle. 

  • Observe testing dashboards, analytics, and reports to gain actionable insights and understand key software quality metrics. 
  • Set your own KPIs and monitor them across your teams and projects. 
  • Analyze historical test data and executions to track software quality across versions and deployments.
Supports A Wide Variety of Testing Methods

Test supports the following software testing methods:

  1. API Unit Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. UI Testing
  4. Smoke Testing
  5. Stress Testing
  6. End-to-End Testing
  7. Sanity Testing
  8. Exploratory Testing
  9. Core Network Testing
  10. Data Migration Testing
  11. IFRS Testing
  12. Internet of Things Testing
  13. Network Protocol Testing
  14. And More!

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Improve your Software Test Automation with Symphona Today!